Flexible Twig Templates in Craft 3

Reviewing the Layout Template

The layout template has all of the global markup and code for the site.

Now that we under­stand how the tem­plate stack works, let’s imple­ment it on the sam­ple site Down­link.

If you haven’t already, you should down­load the sam­ple site using the link along­side this video. You will have to install the sam­ple project local­ly on your site and import the database. 

The site sec­tions and fields are already set up for you but we’ll need to imple­ment the tem­plates togeth­er. Open up the sta­t­ic tem­plates in your favorite text edi­tor or IDE so they’re acces­si­ble for the site build.

Once you have that set up, con­tin­ue the video and let’s build the site using our flex­i­ble tem­plate stack!

Flexible Twig Templates in Craft 3 is made up of the following videos: