Happy Tuesday! For those of you in the US, I hope you enjoyed a long holiday weekend. For everyone else, I hope your Monday was full of fun and building cool stuff.
Craft + Astro 3
Last week, I added two new videos to the Astro Quick-Start Guide course that cover upgrading to Astro 3 (just released!) and using the new support for the View Transitions API. These videos are now available for CraftQuest premium members.
The Astro course is a great way to introduce yourself to a JavaScript framework with fantastic developer experience that is approachable and learnable by anyone working with Craft CMS. Follow me in the course and find out how simple it is!
Yesterday, I converted my straightforward personal site over to Astro, and it took all of 30 minutes from start to deployment. I'm hosting it with GitHub Pages, and GitHub Actions statically generates the site.
I was a recent guest on the Mac Power Users podcast from Realy.fm. They invited me to do their "workflows" style episode, where you talk about your software, gear, and daily work. MPU has been podcasting weekly for years, and it was fun to be on the show!
There was some behind-the-scenes information on how I create videos and content for CraftQuest, work on client projects through Pine Works, and more!
Sometimes, I must remind myself how capable a tool like Git version control is. There is much more to it than our daily commit, pull, push, and branch for our projects.
So, my challenge for you and me this coming week is to Git back in shape by learning something new about Git version control. On CraftQuest, we have 4 courses, 23 lessons, and 9 livestreams covering some aspects of Git, everything from beginner concepts to a dive under the hood for learning precisely what Git does when you create a commit.