Today at 12 Noon EDT (GMT-4), join me and plugin developer Andrew Welch to learn about the new `eagerly()` method in Craft CMS 5. What does it do, and when should you use it? Tune into the livestream to find out.
Do you have questions about Craft 5? It's not too late to submit them to us to discuss during the livestream.
Craft CMS 5 Features & Changes 5️⃣
If you haven't yet had a chance to dig into Craft 5, then I've got you covered. I put together a list of the most important features in Craft CMS 5.
Last week, I released a brand-new version of my popular Craft CMS Quick-Start Guide. It's quick–less than an hour–so the project is simple, but the goal is big: get your first project under your belt.
If you're already familiar with Craft but are curious about how site configuration works in Craft 5, then you might want to give it a spin!