This week, I'm in Barcelona with a couple of hundred other Craft developers for the annual Dot All conference. If you cannot join us, you can follow along on the livestream (see the Dot All site for registration information) or via my running notes. I'll try my best to keep the notes updated throughout the conference. There are two tracks on day two this year, so I can only cover some of the talks.
Today, the conference kicked off with the Craft 5 Workshop, led by Brandon Kelly. We have been learning about changes in Craft 5, and then we started working with an alpha version of the app.
I'm kicking off a new course called "Refactoring with Filters," where we learn some helpful Twig filters and apply them on the CraftQuest site to refactor some code. The course kicks off with a video on the `filter` filter and one on the `map` filter. This course is still in-progress, so check back for new videos soon!
The last livestream is up on the site for premium members, and Andrew and I talked about using OrbStack for local development instead of Docker Desktop. It's a great rundown of the advantages (speed!) and pitfalls of using OrbStack. We also show how easy it is to use DDEV or a custom Docker setup with Orbstack.
The Popover API offers developers a standard way to show and hide popover-type elements. And the best part is that the API will let you do it declaratively (with just a couple of HTML attributes) or by hooking into the API using JavaScript.
In this lesson, I walk through the fundamentals of using the API declaratively and using JavaScript.
All of the videos above are available for premium members. CraftQuest is supported solely by members. Please consider being one of those members supporting a community resource like CraftQuest.