Craft CMS Front-End Registration

Configuring Craft for Public Registration

Before we start coding our templates, we want to make sure our Craft CMS site is configured properly for the user registration flow.

A few help­ful notes for this video:

  • Craft Pro required — in order to allow pub­lic reg­is­tra­tions of user, you have to be run­ning a valid Craft Pro license. For this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll start a tri­al of Craft Pro since we’re only run­ning this local­ly. Be sure to pur­chase a valid license for any pub­lic site.
  • Cre­ate user group for reg­is­tered users called Mem­bers”
  • To allow pub­lic reg­is­tra­tions, we have to enable Allow pub­lic reg­is­tra­tions” in the Users settings.
  • We also want to enforce email ver­fi­ci­a­tion for all new users. This will ensure they have access to the email address they say they do. 
  • We’ll set the default user group to the Mem­bers” group we cre­at­ed earlier.
  • We’ll also enable using the user email as their user name user­name? We need to enable this using a set­ting in the gen­er­al con­fig­u­ratin file.
  • Addi­tion­al­ly, we want to auto­mat­i­cal­ly log the per­son in after they suc­cess­ful­ly acti­vate their account, so we’ll add a cou­ple of more settings:

Craft CMS Front-End Registration is made up of the following videos: