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Debugging with Xdebug

What is Xdebug?

Xdebug is, at its core, step debugger that has tight integration with IDEs to make it really simple to set breakpoints in PHP code to gain insight into what your code is doing during runtime.

Xde­bug is, at its core, step debug­ger that has tight inte­gra­tion with IDEs to make it real­ly sim­ple to set break­points in PHP code to gain insight into what your code is doing dur­ing runtime. 

Xde­bug is a PHP exten­sion and has to be installed and com­piled with PHP. For­tu­nate­ly, a lot of local devel­op­ment tools make it sim­ple to install and run Xdebug. 

Step debug­ging isn’t the only thing that Xde­bug lets you do. Here are fea­tures of Xdebug:

  • Step debug­ging: set break­points where the code exe­cu­tion stops so you can selec­tive­ly step through the code and eval­u­ate what is hap­pen­ing dur­ing the appli­ca­tion runtime.
  • Bet­ter error report­ing when Xde­bug is enabled and the appli­ca­tion is running. 
  • Trac­ing
  • Pro­fil­ing
  • Code Cov­er­age analysis

We’re going to focus on this course on the step debug­ging part of Xde­bug since it’s the most imme­di­ate­ly valu­able to the most peo­ple. And, I know you’ll get a lot out of it that you can apply to your work today.

What Xde­bug is isn’t that com­pli­cat­ed. But mak­ing sure we know how it works, at least at a high lev­el, is impor­tant so we under­stand the tool as we use it. It also makes it eas­i­er to under­stand the set­up process if we know how Xde­bug works.

Debugging with Xdebug is made up of the following videos: