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Extending Twig in Craft CMS

The Twig Filter and Functions We'll Build

A brief review of what we'll create in this course.

In this course we’re going to build a Twig fil­ter and a Twig func­tion that will make it easy to plan­ti­fy” any text we pass in. Our task here is to sat­is­fy a fea­ture request to have the option to remove all instances of meat from some text. 

(This is, of course, a lit­tle joke. It is in response to our friend Andrew Welch and the time he demon­strat­ed the help­ful­ness of Type­script with an exam­ple that refused non-meat addi­tions to an array of items on a vir­tu­al char­cu­terie board.

Let’s say the vari­able text con­tains a para­graph of text with many instances of meat in it. We want to remove all men­tions of meat and replace it with men­tions of plants. 

Okay, let’s get to building.

Extending Twig in Craft CMS is made up of the following videos: