CraftQuest on Call: Customizing CKEditor

Ryan reviews the steps needed to add first- and third-party plugins to CKEditor in Craft CMS.

Streamed on August 15, 2024

Ryan and Andrew are back for anoth­er CraftQuest on Call livestream!

In this livestream we talk about the recent release of CKEd­i­tor 4.2.0 plu­g­in for Craft CMS, and how you can use it con­vert matrix fields to CKEd­i­tor fields. 

After that, Ryan gave a walk-thru of how to cus­tomize your CKEd­i­tor to include first- and third-par­ty CKEd­i­tor packages.

Don’t for­get that we are live on the first and third Thurs­day of every month at 12 Noon East­ern. Have a ques­tion you’d like us to answer on-air? Send it over!