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Intro to Spark and Datastar

Datastar brings together htmx and Alpine.js. Spark brings together Datastar and Craft CMS. Watch as Andrew Welch gives a gentle introduction to Spark and Datastar use in Twig templates.

Craft 5



Datas­tar brings togeth­er htmx and Alpine.js. Spark brings togeth­er Datas­tar and Craft CMS. Andrew Welch recre­at­ed a live search fea­ture as an exam­ple project while giv­ing a gen­tle intro­duc­tion to Spark and Datas­tar use in Twig templates.

Here are some of his code examples:

        <section data-store="{ search: ''}">
            <h3>Spark search</h3>

                data-on-input.debounce_500ms="{{ spark.get('spark/_fragments/search-results.twig') }}"
            <div id="search-results">
{% fragment %}
    <div id="search-results">
        {% set results = [] %}
        {% if search is not empty %}
            {% set results = craft.entries()
                .all() %}
        {% endif %}
            {% for result in results %}
                <li><a href="{{ result.url }}">{{ result.title }}</a></li>
            {% else %}
                <p>No results</p>
            {% endfor %}
{% endfragment %}

Some stuff to help you along during the lesson: