Craft 5 Alpha Guide

3 Ways to Install Craft 5

Learn 3 ways to quickly get the Craft 5 alpha running, so you can learn about the new features.

You can get Craft 5 up and run­ning local­ly in three ways. 

  1. Fresh instal­la­tion local­ly (ide­al­ly using DDEV)
  2. Upgrade an exist­ing project (like if you have a vanil­la Craft project you use for testing).
  3. Use Andrew Welch’s Spin Up Craft project to spin up a copy of Craft 5 in Github Codespaces. 

No mat­ter which way you run Craft 5 alpha local­ly, Craft 5 requires PHP 8.2, so keep that in mind, espe­cial­ly if you’re run­ning a local set­up that uses local PHP instead of some­thing eas­i­ly con­fig­urable in a Dock­er container.

We’ll use DDEV but you do you.

Let’s walk through each one briefly and learn which one is best for you!

Craft 5 Alpha Guide is made up of the following videos: