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What's New in Craft 5.6

A look at some of the most important new features in Craft 5.6.

Craft 5


Craft CMS

Craft 5.6 intro­duces sev­er­al new fea­tures that cov­er con­tent author­ing, tem­plat­ing, acces­si­bil­i­ty, and more. In this video, Ryan Ire­lan cov­ers the most impor­tant fea­tures you should know about:

  • Show sys­tem login/​2FA on front-end, and style it
  • View set­trings even with allowAd­min­Changes is false
  • Define redi­rects in a redirects.php con­fig­u­ra­tion file
  • Updat­ed field lay­out designer
  • Edit a field right from a action menu in an entry edit view
  • Updates to Link field to add advanced options
  • Sep­a­rate live pre­view URL that you can link to directly
  • Twig 3.15 sup­port of arrow func­tions everywhere
  • Over­ride entry type names and handles