Craft 5 Alpha Guide

Inline Editing in Element Index VIews

Some first party fields can be edited directly in the element index table view. Here's how it works.

Intro­duced in the first alpha of the Craft 5, it is now pos­si­ble to do inline edit­ing of entries in the table ele­ment index view. 

Out of the box, you get edit­ing capa­bil­i­ties for a set of first-par­ty field types, and third-par­ty field types can take advan­tage of the fea­ture by imple­ment­ing the InlineEditableFieldInterface.

The fol­low­ing first-par­ty fields should be editable in the ele­ment index table view:

  • Coun­try
  • Entries
  • Col­or
  • Date
  • Drop­down
  • Email
  • Lightswitch
  • Mon­ey
  • Num­ber
  • Plain Text
  • Time
  • Url

Craft 5 Alpha Guide is made up of the following videos: