How to use Matrix in Matrix with template partials in Craft CMS 5.
One of the side effects of making Matrix blocks entries and Matrix block types entry types in Craft 5, is that it the possibility of Matrx-in-Matrix is now very real.
While we don’t want to tempt fate by doing too many nested matrix fields and potentially starting a series of international events that would lower the DEFCON to 1 and cause well-dressed individuals in sunglasses and ear pieces to show up our door…
We do want to learn the practicality of using Matrix-in-Matrix and how easy it is to implement in Craft 5 using the new configuration workflow and the automatic rendering of partial templates.
Today we’re going to build on an existing content builder that using a Matrix field to handle different types of content for the Adventures entries.
The real beauty of this work is that we get to experience the new configuration workflow using Entry Types, field instances, and the slide out interface. It’s hard to explain in writing, so let’s show how it works.
Craft CMS 5 Guide is made up of the following videos: