Craft CMS 5 Guide

Matrix In Matrix (with template partials)

How to use Matrix in Matrix with template partials in Craft CMS 5.

One of the side effects of mak­ing Matrix blocks entries and Matrix block types entry types in Craft 5, is that it the pos­si­bil­i­ty of Matrx-in-Matrix is now very real.

While we don’t want to tempt fate by doing too many nest­ed matrix fields and poten­tial­ly start­ing a series of inter­na­tion­al events that would low­er the DEF­CON to 1 and cause well-dressed indi­vid­u­als in sun­glass­es and ear pieces to show up our door…

We do want to learn the prac­ti­cal­i­ty of using Matrix-in-Matrix and how easy it is to imple­ment in Craft 5 using the new con­fig­u­ra­tion work­flow and the auto­mat­ic ren­der­ing of par­tial templates.

Today we’re going to build on an exist­ing con­tent builder that using a Matrix field to han­dle dif­fer­ent types of con­tent for the Adven­tures entries.

The real beau­ty of this work is that we get to expe­ri­ence the new con­fig­u­ra­tion work­flow using Entry Types, field instances, and the slide out inter­face. It’s hard to explain in writ­ing, so let’s show how it works.

Craft CMS 5 Guide is made up of the following videos: