DDEV and Craft CMS Quick-Start Guide

Craft 5, DDEV, and Vite

How to add Vite support to Craft CMS 5 and DDEV.

The code files list­ed below are updat­ed for the lat­est Vite and Craft Vite.

Vite is a mod­ern front-end tool by the cre­ator of Vue.js, Evan You. It was built with JavaScript appli­ca­tions in mind but with the help of con­tri­bu­tions from the Craft com­mu­ni­ty, we can get a lot of the nicei­eties of Vite in our own projects, too.

If you’d like to just get up and run­ning, you can use CraftQuest’s Craft 5 starter project with Vite already con­fig­ured.

Code files you’ll need to fol­low along with the video:

Here are some links men­tioned in the video, includ­ing resources I used to cre­ate the video:

DDEV and Craft CMS Quick-Start Guide is made up of the following videos: