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Local Development with Craft Nitro

Creating Your First Site with Nitro

Now that we have Nitro installed, we are ready to create our first Craft hosted with Nitro.

Now that we have Nitro installed, we are ready to cre­ate our first Craft host­ed with Nitro. For this video, we’ll focus on set­ting up a new site with Nitro. In the next video we’ll look at migrat­ing an exist­ing project.

Nitro is a glob­al com­mand, so we do not install any­thing inside of our project. That means we can pick where we want to store our project files on our local com­put­er and then ini­tial­ize a new project there using Nitro.

The com­mand we will use for this exam­ple is nitro create.

I do this in the training direc­to­ry in my user direc­to­ry on my com­put­er. This is where I keep all of the projects I use to cre­ate these train­ing videos and write arti­cles. For my actu­al work where I cre­ate projects for myself or for clients, I use the projects direc­to­ry in my user directory.

nitro create

The nitro create com­mand that we will use does two things: it cre­ates a new Craft project (like you would with composer create-project) and it adds that project to Nitro (like you would do in an exist­ing project with nitro add — more on that later).

So, find a place on your file sys­tem where you want to install a fresh copy of Nitro, and let’s get started.

➜ cd ~/training

With the project direc­to­ry cre­at­ed, we can now run nitro create. This com­mand takes one argu­ment, which is the name of the project. Nitro will cre­ate the direc­to­ry for the project based on the name and name the host­name based on the name, too.

➜ nitro create learnnitro 

This down­loads the Craft appli­ca­tion begins the set­up process. This an inter­ac­tive set­up process, so we will be asked to con­firm or input some settings. 

The first one is the host­name. It will default to the name of the direc­to­ry and then the .nitro local TLD. Hit Enter to accept as it is. Any­thing in the square brack­ets is the default input if we just hit Enter and do not spec­i­fy any­thing custom.

The website’s web­root will default to web, which we want to keep since that is the default direc­to­ry name in a new Craft installation.

The next step is to choose the PHP ver­sion. My advice here is to choose the PHP ver­sion that is the same as run­ning in pro­duc­tion. Let’s choose 7.4.

We do need a data­base for this project because Craft requires one, so we will choose Y, and we will choose the data­base engine for MySQL.

In Nitro, I typ­i­cal­ly name the data­base after the host­name and project name it’s easy to find the data­base I need. So we will input learnnitro  as the name of the database.

Now Nitro will update the project .env file so it has the cre­den­tials needs to con­nect to the database.

At this point, Com­pos­er will kick in and down­load the depen­den­cies for the Craft project. This process is sim­i­lar to the part where we run composer create-project craftcms/cms when set­ting up a new project with­out Nitro.

Now Nitro spins up the Dock­er con­tain­ers and makes sure every­thing is work­ing as expected.

We will be Wprompt­ed for your admin pass­word so Nitro can update the hosts file on your com­put­er. On macOS, this is locat­ed in /etc/hosts.

That is it! The con­tain­ers are running! 

Our next step is to run craft setup and get the site con­fig­ured. For this step, we want to inter­act with Craft through the con­tain­er. For that rea­son, we will prepend nitro to our craft commands.

➜ nitro craft setup

Choose the project we cre­ate by inputting the num­ber and then fol­low the prompts to set up Craft.

  1. We will choose MySQL since that is the data­base serv­er we set up for this project.
  2. The data­base serv­er is mysql‑8.0 – 3307.database.nitro
  3. Input the port num­ber, which is 3306, inter­nal­ly when accessed via the Craft application.
  4. The user­name and pass­word for the data­base are nitro” and nitro”.
  5. The name of the data­base is learn­ni­tro”.

It will now run the instal­la­tion process and pop­u­late the data­base with the default data need­ed to start a new Craft project!

Let’s fire up the brows­er and see what is there. Go to https://learnnitro.nitro to see the site!

Local Development with Craft Nitro is made up of the following videos: