Local Development with Craft Nitro

Running Craft Commands Against a Craft Nitro Site

It's best to run all `craft` commands through the `nitro` command.

Let’s look back at the project we cre­at­ed in the begin­ning of the course. 

➜ cd ~/training/learnnitro

If I want­ed to check if there are any updates to plu­g­ins or Craft for this project, I would typ­i­cal­ly run 

➜ craft update/info

I like to do this to get an idea what’s avail­able and then plan my next steps. 

But if I run that com­mand, I get a SQL error. Craft checks the data­base when run­ning Craft com­mands and based on what I have set in the .env file for this project, the Craft con­sole com­mand can­not con­nect to the data­base. This because inter­nal to the Dock­er net­work, the MySQL data­base serv­er port is 3306. How­ev­er, exter­nal­ly, it is 3307. I don’t want to change my .env file, so I’ll use the nitro com­mand instead as a way to run com­mands as if I was inside the Dock­er network.

It’s quite sim­ple, real­ly. I just prepend every­thing with the nitro com­mand and then run the craft com­mand as a subcommand.

➜ nitro craft update/info

And that works! 

Because of this, I rec­om­mend run­ning all craft com­mands through the nitro com­mand, just to be sure you don’t run into any issues.

Local Development with Craft Nitro is made up of the following videos: