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Local Development with Craft Nitro

Updating Craft Nitro

Nitro is an actively maintained project by Pixel & Tonic. You’ll get the best experience with Nitro if you regularly update to get the latest features and improvements.

Nitro is an active­ly main­tained project by Pix­el & Ton­ic. You’ll get the best expe­ri­ence with Nitro if you reg­u­lar­ly update to get the lat­est fea­tures and improvements. 

There are two steps to updat­ing Nitro. First, you want to update the Nitro com­mand line tool and, sec­ond, based on that update, you’ll update the Dock­er con­tain­ers so they have the lat­est changes.

If you installed Nitro via the Bash com­mand, run:

➜ nitro self-update

If you installed Nitro via Home­brew, run:

➜ brew upgrade nitro

No mat­ter which one of those you did, you still want to run the update com­mand afterward:

➜ nitro update
Updating nitro…
  … downloading nginx:7.4-dev ✓
  … downloading nginx:7.3-dev ✓
  … downloading nitro-proxy:2.0.7 ✓
Everything is up to date 👍...

To check our work, let’s use the version command:

➜ nitro version
View the changelog at

Nitro CLI: 	 2.0.7
Nitro gRPC: 	 2.0.7
Docker API: 	 1.41 (1.12 min)
Docker CLI: 	 1.41

Looks good!

Local Development with Craft Nitro is made up of the following videos: