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Local Development with Craft Nitro

Uninstalling Craft Nitro

If you decide that Nitro isn’t for you or you need to troubleshoot an issue by uninstalling Nitro, then this is how to do it.

If you decide that Nitro isn’t for you or you need to trou­bleshoot an issue by unin­stalling Nitro, then this is how to do it. You should know that unin­stalling Nitro and destroy­ing the Dock­er images, will also delete any data­bas­es you have. Your files, how­ev­er, will remain intact, as they’re part of your computer’s file sys­tem, not stored in a Dock­er container.

Before you nuke the Nitro app itself, first destroy the Dock­er con­tain­ers. You can do this via Dock­er Desk­top by click­ing the trash can icon next to each Dock­er con­tain­er cre­at­ed by Nitro. This will spin down the con­tain­er and then destroy it. 

Or, as a faster method, you can use nitro destroy com­mand, which will destroy all con­tain­ers, net­works, and vol­umes cre­at­ed and man­aged by Nitro. It will not destroy oth­er con­tain­ers, etc. that are in Dock­er Desktop.

Just don’t for­get that when you destroy a data­base con­tain­er, that you’re also destroy­ing the data­base data, too!

After destroy­ing the con­tain­ers, you can If you installed Nitro via Home­brew then you’ll run:

 brew uninstall nitro

If you installed Nitro via the bash com­mand, then it’s a mat­ter of remov­ing the nitro direc­to­ry in your /usr/local/bin directory:

sudo rm -R /usr/local/bin/nitro

Local Development with Craft Nitro is made up of the following videos: