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Migrating a Website to Craft CMS

Introduction to Migrating a Website to Craft CMS

Gather around as we briefly discuss what we'll cover in this course!

Wel­come to Migrat­ing a Web­site to Craft CMS.” I’m Ryan Ire­lan from craftquest​.io. In this course, we’re tack­ling the com­pre­hen­sive top­ic of site migra­tion. Let’s overview what we’ll cov­er before div­ing into the details.

First, we’ll dis­cuss key con­sid­er­a­tions when plan­ning a Craft migra­tion. Whether you’re work­ing with ven­dors or an inter­nal team, we’ll explore what it takes to move your site to Craft CMS.

Next, we’ll exam­ine three meth­ods to export con­tent into a data inter­change for­mat, facil­i­tat­ing the trans­fer from your old site to the new one. We’ll also delve into map­ping con­tent to Craft fields, address­ing the chal­lenges you might face depend­ing on your con­tent structure.

We’ll then focus on import­ing data. How can we reli­ably import large JSON or XML files into Craft, ensur­ing prop­er cre­ation of entries, assets, and users? We’ll dis­cuss best prac­tices for this process.

Through­out the course, I’ll pro­vide hands-on demon­stra­tions. After this intro­duc­tion and a high-lev­el overview in the next video, we’ll jump into prac­ti­cal, hands-on content.

My approach is informed by over 20 migra­tion projects I’ve com­plet­ed, trans­fer­ring data from var­i­ous CMSs and cus­tom data­base schemas into Craft. I’ll share the tools and tech­niques I’ve found most effective.

We’ll also explore migra­tions from pop­u­lar sys­tems you might be famil­iar with, such as Word­Press, as well as cus­tom CMS solutions.

Thank you for join­ing this course. I look for­ward to guid­ing you through the intri­ca­cies of web­site migra­tion to Craft CMS.

Migrating a Website to Craft CMS is made up of the following videos: