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Modernizing a Craft 3 Website

Introducing the Project, Dockerizing, and Using Templating Boilerplate

Andrew kicks off his project of taking an older Craft 3 website and moved the templates to his boilerplate template setup.

Andrew is help­ing out a friend with a site that was acci­den­tal­ly delet­ed from the host­ing ser­vice. His work is to bring the site back to life using back­ups and, in the process, update it to use mod­ern web devel­op­ment tools. 

In this video he:

  • intro­duces the project, 
  • gets the site up and run­ning in the new Dock­er­ized local devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment, and 
  • updat­ed the tem­plates to use his boil­er­plate set­up (see Effec­tive Twig Base Tem­plat­ing Set­up).

Modernizing a Craft 3 Website is made up of the following videos: