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Real World Craft CMS 5 Upgrade

Planning the Upgrade

We kick off the Craft CMS 5 upgrade with information on the site and the first steps.

In this series of videos, we’ll upgrade this real world project from Craft CMS 4 to Craft CMS 5. Fol­low along as we do the work!

Every project is dif­fer­ent, but the core steps are the same and clear­ly doc­u­ment­ed in the Craft CMS 5 documentation. 

We are work­ing local­ly using a DDEV project run­ning PHP 8.0 and Mari­aDB for the database.

First, we are run­ning the lat­est ver­sion of Craft CMS 4 in pro­duc­tion, as well as the lat­est ver­sions of all plugins.

Sec­ond, we’ll import a copy of the pro­duc­tion data­base into our local DDEV project.

We now have a good start­ing point for the upgrade process!

Real World Craft CMS 5 Upgrade is made up of the following videos: