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What's New in Craft CMS 4

Conditional Fields in Craft CMS

Create a better authoring experience with conditional fields in Craft CMS 4.

Con­di­tion­al fields in Craft is arguable the promi­nent fea­ture of Craft 4 and the one that we could pref­ace with final­ly…”. But it’s here, and it’ll hope­ful­ly help you cre­ate a bet­ter author­ing expe­ri­ence in Craft CMS.

Con­di­tion­al fields could also help you only use Entry Types for the most need­ed sit­u­a­tions but not because you are try­ing to hide and show fields based on some cir­cum­stance. But, of course, entry Types won’t go away. There are still many good rea­sons to have them, but per­haps you’ll find their need to be less fre­quent than now and not to cre­ate an author­ing expe­ri­ence improve­ment but instead to sup­port a required con­tent mod­el for a project.

We set up con­di­tion­al fields in the Field Lay­out for the ele­ment type we’re edit­ing. For exam­ple, this could be for a section’s entry type field lay­out or a cat­e­go­ry group field layout.

What's New in Craft CMS 4 is made up of the following videos: