What's Coming in Craft 5.3?

We go over the most important features in Craft 5.3 with demos and code examples.

Streamed on August 01, 2024

Craft 5

Craft CMS

Ryan and Andrew will be back for anoth­er CraftQuest on Call livestream! In this livestream we’ll cov­er the changes and improve­ments com­ing in Craft 5.3.

We cov­er the most impor­tant new fea­tures in Craft 5.3, including:

  • The new Link field type
  • Mul­ti-instance rela­tion­ship fields
  • Mov­ing entries between sections
  • Merg­ing entry types and fields
  • User cre­ation work­flow enhancements
  • Con­trol pan­el admin/​UI updates

We stream live the first and third Thurs­day of every month at 12 PM East­ern US. Have a ques­tion you’d like answered on air? Send us a mes­sage.

Some stuff to help you along during the lesson: