Five Years CraftQuest

Craft CMS training, tutorials, and articles for web developers since 2018.


On June 6, 2018 CraftQuest launched with a short email to cus­tomers of my pre­vi­ous train­ing materials:

It’s been a while since my last email because I’ve been heads down work­ing on a bet­ter way to learn and stay up-to-date on Craft CMS

It’s called CraftQuest: unlim­it­ed train­ing on all things Craft (and more).

The site is stocked with all of my cours­es on Craft plus cours­es on Git and web devel­op­ment. I want this to be real­ly, real­ly use­ful to you, so I pulled out all the stops.

I hope you’ll join me at CraftQuest!

And, that launched the tran­si­tion from Mijin­go to CraftQuest. With the launch, I canna­bal­ized my oth­er course sales, and start­ed almost from zero. It was a bit of risk! 

Since the launch, I’ve added new mate­r­i­al to the CraftQuest cat­a­log almost every week, includ­ing 70+ cours­es, 148 lessons, and 183 livestream videos, for a total of 1,003 videos in the cat­a­log.

There’s also the arti­cle sec­tion with writ­ten tuto­ri­als, the bi-month­ly CraftQuest on Call livestream, and a large-scale writ­ten guide on Git ver­sion con­trol.

You can see every­thing in the CraftQuest Changel­og.

As it usu­al­ly goes in these types of write-ups, I want to thank every CraftQuest sub­scriber; for­mer, cur­rent, new, long-time, life­time, month­ly, annu­al, team. CraftQuest is pow­ered by sub­scribers and I can­not pub­lish with­out you. 

I’m grate­ful to Bran­don Kel­ly for his sup­port of my train­ing videos going back about 15 years, his help with the name for CraftQuest (he came up with it, IIRC), and ongo­ing sup­port. Many kudos to Andrew Welch for being my foil on the CraftQuest on Call livestream, and for all of off-air help, assis­tance, and advice. Author and col­la­ba­tor Ben Cro­ker con­tributed so much help­ful mate­r­i­al on extend­ing Craft CMS and was crit­i­cal to the launch of the CraftQuest for Teams feature.

Five years lat­er, CraftQuest is still the best way to learn Craft and keep up-to-speed on every­thing Craft and mod­ern web development. 

Accounts are free but pre­mi­um mem­bers get access to the entire cat­a­log. Not yet a pre­mi­um mem­ber? Get a free 3‑day tri­al right now!

Thanks for watching…I’ll see you on the next video,
