Git Version Control

A written guide to the most important aspects of Git version control. This is based on a 2-day classroom course.


I orig­i­nal­ly wrote this guide as a 90 page PDF to accom­pa­ny the in-per­son Git Fun­da­men­tals & Work­flows class I teach. It should stand on its own as a reference.

This guide also con­tains mate­r­i­al used in some of the many videos cov­er­ing Git I have on CraftQuest.

In this guide we will cov­er the fol­low­ing topics:

  • Overview Of Git — We’ll cov­er what it is and its history.
  • Fun­da­men­tals of Git — The infor­ma­tion you need to get start­ed with using Git, includ­ing the dif­fer­ent pieces of Git.
  • Git vs. Sub­ver­sion — What’s the dif­fer­ence between Git and Subversion?
  • Git Work­flow Tools — Com­mands that help you get stuff done with Git.
  • Git Work­flows — We’ll review three dif­fer­ent work­flows in Git, from sim­ple to more complex.
  • Fix­ing Prob­lems in Git — What hap­pens when things go wrong? How do you revert com­mits or find when and where the project broke?
  • Git: Under the Hood — Let’s dive a bit deep­er and look at the plumb­ing” com­mand that makes Git work.
  • Mov­ing from SVN to Git — A short primer on what’s avail­able native­ly to move from Git to SVN.

Thank you for learn­ing with CraftQuest!

Ryan Ire­lan

Table of Contents