2. Git Fundamentals

Now that we have some his­to­ry of Git, let’s jump in and learn the fun­da­men­tals of Git, includ­ing the most-used com­mands and work­flows. We’ll keep things sim­ple in this sec­tion but will dive in deep­er lat­er on. The goal here is to get famil­iar with Git.

To con­tin­ue on with the train­ing, I assume that you have Git installed on your com­put­er and have test­ed that it is work­ing. If you need to install Git, refer the instruc­tions avail­able at the Git project website.(fn)

Git bina­ries are avail­able for both Win­dows, Lin­ux, Solaris, and macOS. 

Once you have Git up and run­ning you will be ready to con­tin­ue on with the rest of the guide.